Tuesday, June 16, 2009

... it's what it costs

My fact-finding venture has produced results. It seems that Amazon's createspace does produce print on demand books for a few dollars cheaper than Lulu.com does. The biggest boon however should be in the shipping costs, as I know from experience that Lulu gouges on international shipping, and Amazon is, well, Amazon. Here's the publishing versions of the COT-O cover and the book itself.


I would like for the blog readers to check out the pdf file and offer any suggestions or comments about the formatting, as this is the prototype for how COT-R will be formatted.


ehcmier said...

Looks fine to me. The only thing I don't like that cannot be fixed (and shouldn't, really) is the way segments, especially short ones like the segues, get clipped between pages. Fixing it would waste paper, and leave too much blank space, but the text would look uninterrupted.

Dan said...

It will be less of an issue with the COT-R books as each volume will be shorter than this and I can be less stingy with the page count. It's around 2 cents a page, and that adds up! :)

I was just given word that my proof copy of COT-O has been shipped. Pretty soon we'll see how their printing & binding quality compares to Lulu's.