The revision of Chapter 4 just went out to the critics. This is the first chapter to see any kind of additions to in along with the revisions, mostly to flesh out a character who was supposed to be very minor but ended up, a few chapters later, getting an unexpected amount of "page time". Another addition involved the removal of a loose end, not by tying it, but by making it never a loose end in the first place. There can only be so many unanswered questions that eventually get answered, and sometimes it's better to simply not ask them at all. I don't usually do this, but as the case may be, this one had to go.
I "traditionally" thought of the first four chapters of the COT rewrite as "Book 1" of the saga, and it will probably be printed that way when the time comes. Of course, since I am determined to do six volumes and not an indeterminate number with a set length each, I have no idea what will actually end up in Book 1.
The bad news is that I am halting work on the lexicon. It simply became too much to proofread and edit, check for plot holes and either fix them or make note for them to be fixed later, as well as keep a catalogue going of all characters, places, things, and so forth. It may get done at some point, but right now I just don't know. Besides, I am sure everyone would rather I spend only as much time on the revision as I need, so that I can get back to writing new chapters!
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