I was still not content with the title "Circle of Tales" since I don't like double words in titles, and I intended to name one of the stories within it "The First Circle." The title Compendium of Thieves sprung to mind, which prompted me to find the exact definition of a word which I would have probably taken for granted.
So, I think it fits. But if I am going to use that format of a title, then I'll pretty much have to consider it COT2 and Contravention of Thieves to be COT3! It's a meaningless distinction in the end, since no books will have any form of "COTn" anywhere on them.com⋅pen⋅di⋅um
–noun, plural -di⋅ums, -di⋅a
1. a brief treatment or account of a subject, esp. an extensive subject; concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
2. a summary, epitome, or abridgment.
3. a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.